
What fruits can dogs eat?

Dog sat at dining table with girl looking at fruit
Article checked by a vet
Article checked by a vet

Dogs love to explore their environment, and sometimes they might take an interest in what’s on your plate - even if it’s a fruit! While most dogs wouldn’t naturally choose to eat fruit, which is a good thing since their digestive system can react to it, there are some fruits which are safe for dogs in case they help themselves. However, other fruits are toxic to dogs, which is essential for dog parents to know so you can protect their well-being. It is more important that your dog has a complete and balanced diet of high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age, size and health.

In this article, we share important advice for dog parents on which fruits are safe for dogs. If you choose to offer your dog fruits, you can follow our guidance below on how to prepare them, how often they can eat them, and what signs of fruit toxicity in dogs may look like.

Which fruits are safe for dogs? 

Fruits which are safe for dogs include blueberries, cucumbers, watermelon, pineapple and pumpkin. However, dogs don’t need fruit in their daily diet, but you may offer small amounts of these fruits to minimise the risk of digestive upset, while observing them closely for any signs of food allergies or sensitivities. 

Below is a list of fruits that are safe if your dog eats them, along with how they should be prepared and how often they can be eaten.


Apples contain vitamins A and C as well as fibre, and at the same time they are low in fat. Dogs shouldn’t eat more than 1-2 slices of apple a day, and the seeds and core should be removed beforehand. 


While bananas are high in vitamins, potassium and fibre, they are also high in sugar. If you want your dog to try a banana, make sure it’s a small piece, and only give it once in a while.


Blueberries have a high amount of antioxidants that can help prevent radical cell damage in your dog, and are also high in fibre which can support your dog’s bowels. However, blueberries still contain a lot of sugar, so don’t serve more than a few a day.


Cucumbers are full of water, as well as vitamins B1, C and K, and are not considered a harmful fruit for dogs to eat.


Although mango contains vitamins A, B6, C and E, they also have a high sugar content, so don’t offer your dog more than a small piece now and then. Also, be very careful not to let your dog eat the stone as it could damage their teeth, or cause an intestinal blockage if swallowed.


If you offer your dog a peach, make sure it’s fresh and not tinned, and remove the pit as this contains cyanide. Biting the stone may also damage your dog’s teeth, and there is additional risk of choking or an intestinal blockage if it is swallowed. 


Pineapple contains vitamins B6 and C, as well as minerals and fibre. However, dogs shouldn’t eat more than 1-2 pieces a day due to its sugar content. Make sure to remove the crown and peel beforehand.


Dogs love pumpkins, and if you choose to serve them, offer small amounts but they are considered a safe fruit for dogs to eat. Pumpkins can also support their skin and coat health, as well as digestion.


Watermelon is mostly water, along with vitamins A, B6 and C, and is considered a safe fruit for your dog to eat. Be sure to remove the rind and any seeds beforehand, as these can lead to intestinal blockage. 

Are fruits good for dogs?

While the above fruits are considered safe for dogs, fruits are generally not good for dogs to eat. This is because a dog’s digestive system is more sensitive than ours, and they may have difficulty digesting some fruits. Fruits can cause gastric issues in dogs, such as vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain. Also, fruits are not good for dogs as it can take away from their main diet. Dog food is specially formulated to contain the nutrients, vitamins and ingredients that dogs need to thrive, and offering fruits can impact their appetite and increase their daily calories.

Can I give fruits to my puppy?

If you choose to give fruits to your puppy to eat, you should serve small, bite-sized pieces, and remove any pits, seeds or rinds beforehand. However, it’s more important for your puppy’s growth and development that they eat high-quality puppy food for a complete and balanced diet.

A puppy’s digestive system is also more sensitive than that of an adult dog, so if you want to introduce fruit into their diet, you should do this gradually and look out for any symptoms of food sensitivities or allergies. Fruits also contain natural sugars, and an excessive amount in puppies can cause diarrhoea. Puppies should only eat fruits in moderation, if at all, and you should ensure they are eating complete and balanced puppy food as their primary diet - check out our feeding guidelines for puppies.

How many fruits can dogs have a day?

Dogs can’t have many fruits a day, as the majority of their nutrition should come from high-quality dog food. If you do decide to include fruits in your dog’s diet, only give one or two bite-sized pieces of dog-safe fruits. You should always offer treats and food made for dogs.

Learn more about feeding your dog or puppy.

Is it OK for dogs to eat fruit every day?

While it may be okay for dogs to eat fruit occasionally, offering it every day is not recommended as it can impact their daily diet. The majority of their nutrition should come from high-quality dog food, which is specially formulated to contain the vitamins and minerals your dog needs to thrive.

If you want your dog to eat fruits every day, make sure you only offer one or two bite-sized pieces of safe fruits that dogs can eat. You should take care to prepare the fruit appropriately for your dog by removing any pits, seeds or rinds before offering. It’s more important to provide dogs with food and treats specifically designed for them, however, if your dog tries a fruit which is safe for dogs to consume, there is no need to worry.

Which fruits are harmful to dogs?

It’s important to know what you should feed your dog, as some fruits are harmful to dogs and should be avoided completely. Fruit toxicity in dogs can cause gastrointestinal upset, loss of appetite, lethargy, and in extreme cases, tremors or seizures. Once you know which fruits dogs can’t eat, you should try to keep them out of reach or away from the house if possible. Below is a list of 5 fruits that are harmful to dogs:


Although avocados are a superfood for humans, for dogs they can be harmful. The pit and skin of an avocado contain persin, which is a toxin that can cause digestive upset in dogs. While the inside of the fruit contains less persin, it may still not agree with your dog and is best to avoid it.


Similar to some other fruits, cherry pits also contain cyanide - however the likelihood of a dog accidentally biting into the seed is higher with cherries and could be dangerous. Cyanide affects cellular oxygen transport, causing your dog’s blood cells to receive less oxygen. 

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes, including dried grapes, are highly toxic for dogs to consume and can lead to grape or raisin toxicity. Signs of this may include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, lethargy, loss of appetite or tremors. Eating grapes or raisins can also cause sudden kidney failure in dogs, which is why you should keep them out of reach. Remember this at Christmas when mince pies, cakes and other treats contain raisins, as it's important to keep all of these foods safely out of your dog's reach.


Most dogs don’t like the taste of any citrus fruits, but grapefruit, in particular, is very acidic and can cause digestive upset in dogs, including vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. 


While ripened tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat, the green parts of the tomato plant indicate the presence of solanine. Solanine is highly toxic for dogs and can cause digestive upset, lethargy and weakness, which is why it’s best to avoid serving any tomatoes just in case. 

Dogs are curious creatures and you may choose to offer fruits every now and then. However, it’s important that dog owners properly research what fruits dogs can eat, as well as know how to prepare them and how often to serve them. If you think your dog has ingested a harmful fruit, it’s essential that you seek veterinary care to prevent any complications for their health. While fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, you may want to consider offering your dog Pedigree® Multivitamins instead. These multivitamins have been formulated specifically for dogs, and are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. That way, you can rest assured your dog is eating healthy, whilst protecting their overall well-being at the same time.