Dog Health

The Complete Guide to Vitamins for Dogs

Dog standing outside whilst smiling and looking ahead
Article checked by a vet
Article checked by a vet

We love our dogs - almost as much as they love us - which is why we want to provide them with the best quality of life that we possibly can! By feeding your dog a balanced diet, ensuring they get plenty of exercise and spending quality time with them, we can keep our friends happy and healthy. It’s also important for your dog’s well-being to listen to expert advice on how best to support their health. PEDIGREE® are well-informed on your dog’s needs as we implement valuable research from the world-renowned Waltham Petcare Science Institute into our products and guides, ensuring the best for your family pet. 

In this article, we simplify which vitamins for dogs are essential for their growth, development and well-being. We discuss what a complete and balanced diet for your dog should include, as well as when, why and how you may supplement your dog’s diet with dog vitamins. By following our easy guide on dog vitamin supplements, you can support your beloved pet in all stages of their life.

When should I give my dog a vitamin?

There is a variation on when you can give your dog a vitamin, depending on your product choice. Most dogs receive the nutrients they need from complete and balanced dog food, provided it is appropriate for their life stage and lifestyle. However, some dogs may benefit from a dog vitamin supplement. 

Underweight dogs, dogs with certain digestive problems or those that are finicky eaters, may need a supplement to support their health. Some dogs may have a vitamin deficiency or a disease that can be managed with supplementation; in this instance, your dog would need specific vitamins advised by your vet. If your dog is impacted by worms or has a medical illness, it may affect their body’s ability to absorb nutrients which can lead to vitamin deficiencies - this is also where additional vitamins can help.

At PEDIGREE®, we ensure our dog food comes with the high-quality ingredients and essential nutrients your dog needs, in the right amounts and ratios. But we know that some owners prefer to feed their dogs a homemade diet - in which case, you may need to also provide dog vitamins. We understand how complex the topic of vitamins and dog food supplementation can be, which is exactly why we have made PEDIGREE® multivitamins. Our easy-to-feed soft chews are perfect for adding to your dog’s meals, keeping their health and vitality at its peak.

When to give puppies vitamins?

Complete and balanced puppy food has a higher protein and fat content and will deliver essential vitamins and minerals which are absolutely necessary for your puppy’s growth and development. 

If you are serving homemade food to your puppy, you should inform your vet and consider including dog vitamins to support their development into healthy adult dogs. Vitamin deficiency or an excess can cause complications for a growing puppy, which we expand on later. PEDIGREE® Multivitamins can support your dog’s health and are suitable for puppies from 9 months old, as long as they weigh over 4kg.

When to give older dogs vitamins?

Similarly, older dogs will benefit from getting the nutrients they need if they are eating complete and balanced senior dog food. Dogs are considered senior at different ages, depending on their breed, size and lifespan. For example, a large breed such as a Great Dane can be considered senior at 5 years old. On the other hand, a small breed such as a Chihuahua, with a life expectancy into the teenage years, might not need senior food until 10 years old.

For most medium and large-sized dog breeds, 8-10 years is usually the right time to switch to senior dog food. Senior dogs benefit from eating food tailored to their age, such as PEDIGREE® Senior which contains high-quality proteins and vitamins to boost their immune health, strengthen their bones and help support cognitive function as they get older.

However, some senior dogs may have other health issues that prevent them from properly digesting dog food and absorbing nutrients from it, in which case you should consult with your vet. Dog vitamins can enhance your dog’s health and PEDIGREE ® Multivitamins offer a range of products suitable for senior dogs, including Joint Care to support their joints as they age.

What vitamins do dogs need?

Dogs need several vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, to maintain good health. The most important vitamins that dogs need are fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and water-soluble vitamins C and B-complex. Dogs can receive essential nutrition from a complete and balanced diet.

To make it easier for pet parents, we have provided a complete list of the necessary vitamins for your dog’s health below, and we expand on the importance of each in the next section.

Vitamin A for dogs

Dogs need to be able to see well in the dark, and vitamin A helps maintain their healthy vision. Vitamin A for dogs is also important for regulating the growth of their skin cells, as well as the synthesis of protein and reproductive hormones. 

There are plenty of sources of vitamin A in dog-appropriate foods such as liver, fish and eggs. However, you should be careful in supplementing vitamin A for your dog as too much can be toxic and cause abnormalities in their joints. If your dog is pregnant, excessive vitamin A can also cause abnormalities in their foetus.

Vitamin B  for dogs

There are several B vitamins for your dog which are important. B1 (Thiamine) is involved in various chemical processes within your dog’s body, including energy production for cells and transmission of sensory impulses, making it essential for healthy functioning of their nervous system. Vitamin B1 for dogs can be found in meat, bran and cereals. 

B2 (Riboflavin) helps maintain your dog’s skin and coat and also plays a role in energy production. This can be found in liver and eggs, both appropriate food options for your dog. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) also helps protect your dog’s skin by preventing dehydration and encouraging the synthesis of skin fats. B3 is present in most foods, including meat, fish and cereal. 

Another important B vitamin for dogs is B5 (Pantothenic Acid), as it’s needed in most metabolic processes, including the synthesis of skin fats and energy production of cells. It is common in many foods, including meat and eggs. B6 (Pyridoxine) also plays a role in metabolic pathways, particularly for amino acids, and is present in meat.

B12 for dogs

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) is a coenzyme involved in many important biochemical reactions in your dog, including protein synthesis and red cell production. It maintains healthy functioning of your dog’s brain and nervous system and helps metabolise fat and carbohydrates too. Vitamin B12 for dogs is only present in animal products, including liver, kidney, fish and other meats, which your dog will love - hence why these nutritious and tasty ingredients are a part of PEDIGREE® recipes.

Biotin for dogs

For dogs, biotin is very important in helping maintain their skin and coat health. It’s also directly involved in the proper functioning of your dog’s nervous system, as well as promoting muscle growth. Biotin for dogs can be found naturally in their intestinal bacteria, although it is also present in meat, fish and eggs.

Vitamin C for dogs

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and slow the process of ageing, which is why vitamin C for senior dogs can help support their joints and general health. Dogs synthesise vitamin C in their livers, which is why it’s important not to offer additional vitamin C for your dog unless recommended by your vet.

Calcium for dogs

Phosphorus and calcium for dogs are particularly important when they’re pups, which is why puppy food contains a higher amount of both. Calcium and phosphorus need to be delivered in the right quantity, as well as balance and ratio of each other. Together, they promote the healthy growth and maintenance of bones and teeth and also help transmit nerve impulses and information between cells. 

Due to its importance, calcium and phosphorus for dogs are added to dog food as bone meal - sourced from the bones of mammals, birds and fish - and can also be found in dairy products.

It’s important dogs don’t receive an excess of calcium and phosphorus, as it can lead to skeletal abnormalities. On the other hand, deficiencies can also create complications such as kidney failure, and we discuss the effects of low calcium in dogs later.

Vitamin D for dogs

Vitamin D is essential for dogs to help their bodies regulate and metabolise calcium and phosphorus. This vitamin optimises calcium and phosphorus absorption. It also ensures a minimal amount is lost through urine, therefore maximising the benefits of both minerals within your dog’s body. 

Vitamin D is present in oily fish such as tuna and sardines, as well as liver. The sun is also a great source of vitamin D for dogs, which helps as dogs love to be outside. We discuss the symptoms and causes of vitamin D deficiency further below.

Vitamin E for dogs

Free radicals are damaged cells in your dog’s body that try to steal molecules from other cells to repair themselves. Whilst free radicals are produced naturally through your dog’s metabolic processes, they can contribute to cell death and ageing and can make your dog more vulnerable to disease.

Vitamin E protects your dog’s healthy cells from being damaged by free radicals and strengthens their immune system - which is why vitamin E in dogs is important. Found in some animal products such as liver, vitamin E is mostly present in vegetables and grains. We talk about the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in dogs later.

Folic Acid for dogs

Folic acid is naturally produced and present in your dog’s intestinal bacteria. However, it’s not known if the amount produced by your dog is enough, which is why folic acid for dogs is important in their diet or as a supplement. 

Folic acid helps with the development of tissues in your dog’s nervous system, as well as fast cell multiplication. For growing pups and pregnant dogs, folic acid is vital and can be found naturally in the liver. However, if your dog is pregnant, it’s important that she is fed a complete and balanced diet, specially formulated to support her health and that of her growing puppies. You should always seek veterinary advice in regard to feeding dogs during pregnancy and lactation.

Magnesium for dogs

Similarly to the minerals calcium and phosphorus, magnesium is also essential for maintaining your dog’s bones and teeth. Magnesium for dogs is involved in more than 300 metabolic processes - including protein synthesis, energy metabolism and proper functioning of their muscle and nerve cells - making it extremely important.

Magnesium is mostly found in the bones of mammals, birds and fish, so it’s added to dog food as a bone meal. Magnesium deficiency in dogs can be caused by pre-existing health issues such as diabetes or kidney disease, and we explain symptoms in more detail.

Vitamin K for dogs

Vitamin K for dogs is necessary for the healthy activity of many enzymes within their body. It’s also important for blood clotting, which prevents excessive bleeding if your dog has an injury. Vitamin K helps dogs absorb calcium, as well as metabolise protein. 

Your dog’s intestinal bacteria will produce vitamin K, although it may not be a sufficient amount and therefore it can also be found in meat and liver. Deficiencies can cause haemorrhages which is why vitamin K is essential for dogs.

How to include vitamins in your dog’s diet?

If you feed your dog PEDIGREE® Dog Food, or any other high-quality dog food, they will receive a complete and balanced diet with the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that they need. The best way to boost your dog’s immunity is through nutrition. However, in some cases, you may need to offer your dog vitamin supplements.

Our chewable vitamins are designed to be palatable to dogs and are a tasty way to boost your dog’s health, which is why PEDIGREE® have designed their dog vitamins with 100% natural chicken to make them irresistible. It’s also helpful to serve vitamins by offering them as a rewarding treat, as long as you don’t exceed the daily limit for your dog’s weight.

How to include vitamins in your puppy’s diet?

If your puppy is eating high-quality, complete and balanced dog food tailored to their age, such as PEDIGREE® Puppy Food, they will receive the necessary nutrition for healthy growth and development. However, you can further support your puppy’s health with PEDIGREE® Multivitamins, which are suitable from 9 months old if your puppy weighs at least 4kg.

If you feed your puppy a homemade diet, or if your vet has advised your puppy to take vitamins due to a health issue, you can try different methods to serve it. You can either mix the supplement into their food, wrap it in something more delicious, or offer it directly with love and patience.

There are some vitamins that puppies will benefit from more than adult dogs. Vitamin D for young dogs is essential in aiding calcium absorption and keeping your dog’s bones strong. Vitamin E is important for pups as it strengthens their immune system and helps maintain healthy skin and coat from early on. B vitamins are also involved in a number of important metabolic processes. For good vision, as well as healthy growth and muscle development, Vitamin A for dogs is beneficial from a young age too.

How to include vitamins in your older dog’s diet?

Similarly to pups, senior dogs will benefit from complete and balanced dog food as long as it’s specific to their age. PEDIGREE® Senior contains high-quality protein that senior dogs need, as well as other vitamins to support your dog in their old age. However, in some cases, your senior dog may need additional supplements.

For senior dogs, vitamin D and calcium are beneficial for strengthening their bones and therefore reducing the risk of brittle bones as they get older, as well as glucosamine for supporting their joints. Vitamin D may also reduce the risk of other health issues in your senior dog. Similarly, vitamin E for dogs can promote a healthy heart and liver, and keep their immune system strong to protect them from potential illness. As your dog ages, they may also benefit from omega-3 fatty acids to improve their cognitive health.

What are the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency?

If your dog is a fussy eater, underweight or eating low-quality food, it may become deficient in necessary vitamins. This is also possible if you feed your dog a homemade diet, as it is likely to lack, or have too much, of certain nutrients, minerals, and vitamins your dog needs to thrive. If your dog is fed a complete and balanced diet through high-quality dog food like PEDIGREE®, you can rest assured that they are consuming all of the nutrients they need in just the right amounts.

Below are some symptoms of vitamin deficiency to look out for. If you notice any of the symptoms below, or any other behavioural changes in your dog, it’s important to take them to the vet immediately.

  • Problems with vision or night blindness
  • Dry skin, skin lesions or dermatitis 
  • Increased vulnerability to infections
  • Muscle weakness and joint pains
  • Weight loss or slowed growth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and/or anaemia
  • Rickets and skeletal abnormalities
  • Problems with reproduction
  • Issues with nervous system, including seizures or paralysis
  • Bleeding disorders

What are the common deficiencies in dogs?

It is possible for dogs to become more deficient in some vitamins than others. This is because some foods are more abundant with vitamins, some vitamins (such as vitamin C) are produced naturally by your dog, and some are better absorbed by their body. Overall it depends on your dog’s diet and health, including if they have any pre-existing medical conditions, which determines whether or not they are more likely to become vitamin-deficient.

 Here are some of the most common vitamin deficiencies in dogs:

  • Vitamin D deficiency
    Symptoms: Rickets, skeletal abnormalities, weak muscles, joint pains, bone fractures
    Causes: Lack of vitamin D, insufficient exposure to sun
  • Vitamin E deficiency
    Symptoms: Weak muscles, problems with vision, dermatitis, weak immune system, problems with reproduction
    Causes: Lack of vitamin E, lack of fish and vegetable oils in the diet
  • Magnesium deficiency
    Symptoms: Issues with the nervous system, seizures, hyperactive reflexes, reduced appetite, weak muscles
    Causes: Lack of magnesium, vegetarian or homemade diet, health conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease
  • Calcium deficiency
    Symptoms: Skeletal abnormalities, stunted growth, reduced appetite, fatigue, muscle twitches, seizures
    Causes: Lack of calcium, lack of phosphorus, vegetarian or homemade diet, lack of dairy or vegetables in the diet, kidney failure

Recommended vitamin supplements for dogs

If your dog is lacking in vitamins and your vet has advised a multivitamin supplement, PEDIGREE® can provide the solution. With three different multivitamin products available, PEDIGREE® offers high-quality supplements tailored to support your dog’s health. Whether they need support for their joints, help with their digestion or a boost to their immune system, you can keep your dog happy and healthy with PEDIGREE® Multivitamins.

Vitamins for Joint Support for Dogs

PEDIGREE® Multivitamins Joint Care has been developed with recommendations from experienced vets at the Waltham Petcare Science Institute to support your dog’s joint health. These chewable supplements are made with 100% natural chicken and are designed to strengthen your dog’s joints. Containing vitamins C, E and 8 B vitamins, this multivitamin helps reduce inflammation, supports collagen production, improves muscle strength and increases energy levels. Together, these vitamins will help to support your dog’s joints as they age.

Vitamins for dog digestion

To support your dog’s digestion, PEDIGREE® has created a blend of Multivitamins and Probiotics using scientific research from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute. Made with 100% natural chicken, these chewable supplements contain B vitamins, antioxidants and prebiotics to improve your dog’s digestive health. B vitamins for dogs help with their metabolism by breaking down carbs and transforming it into energy, as well as increasing the absorption of other nutrients. The latter will also help stimulate your dog’s appetite, which you can satisfy with PEDIGREE® Dog Food.

Vitamins for Immunity

PEDIGREE® Multivitamins Immunity has been developed with specialist vets from Waltham Petcare Science Institute to improve your dog’s immune health. The chewable supplements are easy to administer and are made with 100% natural chicken, especially for your dog’s taste buds. With a blend of B vitamins, vitamin E, antioxidants and beta-glucans, these dog vitamins will support your dog’s immune system, protect their cells and increase their energy levels - so your dog will stay strong and healthy for longer.

While a complete and balanced diet will cover your dog’s nutritional needs and provide them with the essential vitamins for good health, vitamins for dogs can help support their health and boost their well-being. By taking your dog for regular checkups, you can help detect early symptoms of vitamin deficiency and work with an experienced vet to improve their health with dog vitamin supplements. PEDIGREEⓇ has created high-quality vitamins for dogs so you can help ensure your best friend has the best quality of life.